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Sailing at Night

As the sun sets and casts its glimmering light over the soft flow of the ocean, the moon is only just beginning to awaken. Blackness swallows you and your vessel whole, leaving close to zero visual cues behind. 

While many sailors find night sailing daunting, it doesn’t have to be. With the right preparations and procedures in place, a night passage will fill any sailor with glee and excitement.

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Customizing Sails with Precision Sails

Zephyr heads to the Precision Sails office to start the sail customization process. They meet with Ron Mcinnis, who introduces them to the world of sail cloth and industry trends. He explains how Precision Sails takes an educational and consultative approach to sail customization, making sure that their customers are well-informed and educated about the options available to them.

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Precision Sails Mainsail

Can Different Types of Sailcloth Become Moldy?

Sails can get moldy, but it can be avoided. You have to make sure to try to keep it dry and avoid furling the sail when it’s wet. Taking the sail down and storing it is also an effective method when trying to combat mold. Mold and mildew show up differently in Dacron and Laminate sails and as such these sail fabrics require different techniques. This video explores the best ways to keep your Dacron and laminate sails clean and extend their longevity. […]

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