Sailor Resources
The Precision Sails’ team has a wealth of knowledge on all things sailing. Tap into our range of useful resources and browse all topics ranging from the best cloth types to sail maintenance tips. Check out our Ask Precision Sails series where we answer questions provided by sailors like you!
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How to Measure for a New Mainsail
If you can read a tape measure you can measure your boat for a new Mainsail.
Purchasing a new Mainsail for your sailboat is one of those investments that every sailor will be faced with eventually. Sails don’t last for ever, even if you treat them like gold. Once you have decided to invest in new sails you may get that feeling of being over whelmed by the choices and the details involved. When deciding on a loft to work with make sure you choose a loft that will offer a good consultation on the cloth and sail feature choices as well as a design consultation if you want one.
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Jibs vs. Genoas
Get to know the difference!
Jibs and Genoas are triangular sails which are affixed to a stay in front of the mast. Typically they run from the head of the foremast to the bowsprit. Jibs and genoa’s are used in tandem with a mainsail to stabilize the vessel and are usually measured by their Luff Perpendicular percentage, that is, how much area within the fore-triangle they use.
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Taking Headsail Measurements with the Mast Down
Measuring your Headsail with your mast down is still possible.
Step by Step How To Instructions and Videos on how to collect your boats measurements for a your new headsail. Watch Jeremy Roszmann, sail designer, walk us through how to collecte great measurements to build a headsail with.
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How To Measure for a New Spinnaker
Learn how to measure your boat and rig for a new spinnaker with our simple form.
Measuring your rig for a new spinnaker is easy. We need to know the location of your halyard, what your maximum hoist is, where the location you sheet to is located and what style. We also need to know if you have a bowsprit, plan to use a spinnaker sock, or other kind of furling system. Last but not least, you get to pick your colors!
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Mainsails: Loose Foot VS Fixed Foot
If you currently have a fixed footed mainsail read about the new modern design of a loose footed mainsail.
Sail design has come a long way in the past several decades. A loose footed mainsail is becoming the norm for most sailors. It allows for creating a better shaped sail. This increasings sail performance, efficency, and power. Having a loose-footed sail means having a much more versatile sail as far as trimming is concerned.
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