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Tips For Single Handed Sailing

Planning on going for a single handed sailing trip? Prior preparations are paramount with any single-handed sailing excursion you partake in. Nothing is more critical than preparing your vessel to suit every situation when sailing single-handed. Preparation is key, you are the one solely responsible for you and your vessel’s safety. This includes not only boat preparation but also personal, medical, and communication preparation.

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How To Use A Velcro Strap On Your Sails Clew

When you receive your mainsail from Precision Sails we supply you with a Velcro strap which is intended to be put on the clew around the boom. This Velcro strap has a couple of functions. The first is for when you’re sailing in heavy winds or stormy weather you can wrap it through your clew and around your boom for extra stability and strength. Another is when you are not using a clew slug, you can simply use the Velcro strap and make quick adjustments to the tension of the sail. In this video Darryl, owner of Precision Sails, reviews the various uses for your Velcro strap on the clew.

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Sailing Doodles Presents: What It Takes For Off-Grid Sailboat Living

Bobby White from Sailing Doodles sails around the world in their 30-year-old sailboat and has documented what living off-grid means for them and most other sailors out there! Follow along as Bobby takes you step-by-step through all the things you need if you want to live on your sailboat off-grid, covering batteries, power sources, freshwater options, navigation and communication, and more.

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Sail Graphics, Colored Dacron and Color Customizations

There are countless options for customizing your sail. You can use colored Dacron, Spinnaker cloth, colored features, or even custom sail graphics. One of the most exciting parts of ordering a sail is the customization. It is your opportunity to emblazon your team logo, a symbol that represents your family, a play on your boat’s name, your boat’s insignia, or to match your Dodger or Bimini to your sail. Precision Sails uses a variety of different techniques to customize a sail, read more to learn about the different options available. If you are interested in getting a new sail with graphics on it, call us! Our design team is ready and waiting to help bring your vision to life.

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How To Read Your Quote From Precision Sails

Whether you already requested a quote or are curious as to the layout and information found on our quotes this article is for you. Ron McInnis, Director of Sales & Marketing, breaks down the various pages of your quote and explains where to find helpful resources for sailors interested in learning a bit more about sails, sail options, and sailcloth. Feel free to contact us or book an appointment for a consultation at your convenience.It is our goal to help you make the best buying decision possible.

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