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Offshore Sailing: Heavy Weather

We will be discussing the best methods to handle your boat safely in foul weather conditions while sailing offshore. Learning how to safely handle your vessel in these conditions can give you the confidence to overcome this fear, ultimately seeing the storm not as an ordeal but simply an opportunity to sail in different conditions. The blog ascertains the points of passage planning, prior preparations and heavy weather sail configurations and more.

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Removing Mildew, Rust and Dirt from your Sails!

Have you ever taken your sails out of storage or unfurled them and discovered the dreaded black blotches of mildew have made their unfortunate appearance? The regrettable truth is mildew, rust stains, and dirt are common occurrences on sails. If you have noticed your sails becoming dirtier after pulling them out of storage or unfurling them this guide is aimed at helping reduce and remove mildew, rust, and other markings on your sail. Discover how to get your sails back to their peak appearance and prevent mildew from growing.

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All About Spinnakers

Spinnaker sails are known to be the most colourful and exciting sail in a sailor’s toolbox. While each spinnaker serves the same purpose, are they all created equal? In this blog we discuss the differences between Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Spinnakers and how their shape is not the only difference. We provide an in depth look at the variations between standard sizes, code zeros, and the different options for each type of sail. Discover which is best for your sailboat.

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