Welcome to White Spot Pirates – Nike
Nike is a White Spot Pirate. “White Spots are undiscovered areas on each individual’s personal map of life. They are not necessarily places you want to go, but can be any kind of dream that you wish to come true”. Nike’s intended purpose for White Spot Pirates is to bring people one step closer to putting their own dreams into reality, and to build up a community that inspires and supports one another.
Nike’s first attempts of single handed sailing her 37 foot sailboat were full of adventures and surprises. She sailed around the Western Caribbean for two years before crossing through the Panama Canal into the Pacific Ocean, where she explored the remote coastline between Costa Rica and Colombia.
It was during these years of live aboard sailing and living on the sea that Nike became very aware of the increasing plastic pollution in the ocean. It was this realization that helped Nike to make the decision to dedicate a great amount of her time to the plastic recycling project INMOCEAN, whose mission is cleaning beaches and recycling collected ocean plastic; giving it a second life. You can visit and learn more about Nike’s passion project at her website.
Check out what Nike’s White Spot Pirates adventures are with the video above!